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        Consortium for Universal Health System Metrics -      A CMS Qualified Registry

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Patient Adherence Measures
Behavioral Health (BH)
BH Measures

















Measure-Applicability Validation (MAV)  

When reporting individual QPP measures through any approved CMS channel (claims, registry, QCDR ...) , it is required to report a minimum of nine measures; if your measures are not precisely selected, it is likely that some measures will not apply to your patient panel.

The Measure-Applicability Validation (MAV) is a process that is invoked if any EP makes a valid submission for less than 9 measures for their patient panel during 2014, the MAV process automatically is applied by CMS.

 It is up to each LCSW to select the QPP measures that can apply to the minimum number of Medicare patients.

Measure-Applicability Validation Clusters (MAV Clusters)

Let me describe the various facets of MAV Clusters:

- Are groups of CPT codes that are reviewed when the MAV process goes into effect.
- There are 27 clusters, only three of which apply to LCSWs: Clusters 1, 11, and 22.
- Clusters are based on CPT codes. If there is a CPT code that is used by one measure in a cluster all other measures in the cluster with the same CPT code must be reported.

The exception is when the measure is outside the LCSW scope of practice. For example, Cluster 1 includes Measure 128 (Body Mass Index Screening) and Measure 317 (High Blood Pressure Screening) as necessary whenever CPT codes 90791 or 90834 are used within the cluster. Since those items are not within the LCSW scope of practice, it is acceptable to leave out the measures without being penalized with a 2% deduction in reimbursement.

LCSW clusters:
Cluster #1 (General Preventive Care): Measure #130 (Medications) and Measure #226 (Tobacco Use)

Cluster #11 (Depression): Measure #106 (Depression Screening); Measure #107 (Suicide Assessment); Measures #134 (Depression Follow-up Plan); and Measure #226 (Tobacco Use)

Cluster #22 (Substance Use Disorders Care): Measure #130 (Medications); Measure # 226 (Tobacco Use); Measure #247 (Treatment for Alcohol Dependence); Measure #248 (Treatment for Depression with Substance Abuse or Dependence)



  More information at these links:
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CUHSM QCDR Measures approved by CMS - Non QPP Program - Patient Adherence Measures
• 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2017_07_Non_Compliance_letter • 2017_QCDRbenchmarks •

Contact Us

For more information, contact us via email at clientservices@cuhsm.org

Phone:  (888) 979-2499 x2

Universal Health System Metric Tools referenced on this site:
CMS Submission Toolkit, CST-CMS Submission Template, PQRS
Audit Tool, PQRS Validator, GPRO Aggregator,
    QCDR-HISP, QRDASolutions, and
NwHIN Sleuth are trademarks of CMS Gateways, LLC
All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

QCDR-HISP = Qualified Clinical Data Registry - Health Information Service Provider

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Last modified: Tuesday November 10, 2020.