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  Physician Compare



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Physician Compare

*UPDATE* The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is currently evaluating options for a publicly reported benchmark for the Physician Compare website.  Per the 2016 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule, the Physician Compare Support Team is facilitating outreach to discuss more thoroughly potential benchmarking methodologies with stakeholders prior to finalizing a future proposal. The purpose of these Webinars is to discuss considerations, answer questions, and to allow stakeholders to contribute to the conversation regarding a publicly reported benchmark on Physician Compare. 

The Webinars will be held at the following times:

February 18, 2016
Session one: 11:00 am ET/ 8:00 am PT
Session two: 2:00 pm ET/ 11:00 am PT
Session three: 5:00 pm ET/2:00 pm PT

February 19, 2016
Session four: 10:00 am ET/ 7:00 am PT
Session five: 12:00 pm ET/ 9:00 am PT
Session six: 4:00 pm ET/ 1:00 pm PT

To register, email us and use the subject line “Physician Compare Benchmark Discussion Webinar” and include your name, organization, telephone number, e-mail address, and preferred session. Please note all sessions will present the same information. Multiple times are offered to help accommodate scheduling.

 Physician Compare is a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website that allows the public to find and select physicians who are currently enrolled in the Medicare program as well as other information on Eligible Professionals (EPs) who participate in CMS quality programs.  As required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), CMS is charged with making information available on physician performance, including information on quality measures and patient experience, available through the Physician Compare website.  CMS uses feedback and information from the public through Town Hall meetings, Listening Sessions, emails, and the rulemaking process to determine the direction of Physician Compare as well as define the scope of the program. 

Background Information

Physician Compare was first launched in 2010, but in 2013, CMS released a redesigned Physician Compare.  The primary source of administrative information on the website is from the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS), with the use of Medicare claims information to verify the information in PECOS. 

General Physician Information Included on Physician Compare includes:

• Address
• Education
• American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Board Certification Information
• Primary and Secondary Specialties
• Group Affiliations
• Hospital Affiliations (which link to the hospital’s profile on Hospital Compare as available)
• Medicare Assignment Status
• Provider Language Skills

Physician Participation with Quality Programs Included on Physician Compare:

• Physician Quality Reporting (QPP), including the Group Practice Reporting Option (GPRO)
• Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program
• Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program

On each individual profile page and each group practice profile page, CMS denotes whether or not that individual or group successfully participates in certain CMS Quality Initiative Programs.  In addition, within the newly released CY 2016 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule, several new additions to the Physician Compare website were finalized.

Physician Compare Public Reporting Timeline

Physician Compare Chart


What Specific Quality Data Is Now Publicly Reported on Physician Compare?

• Controlling blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.
• Controlling blood pressure in patients with diabetes.
• Prescribing aspirin to patients with diabetes and heart disease.
• Patients with diabetes who do not use tobacco.
• Prescribing medicine to improve the pumping action of the heart in patients who have both heart disease and certain other   conditions

*Beginning in 2014, quality of care ratings for Group Practices will also be included on the website and ratings for individual physicians will be added in the future. 

If members would like to provide feedback about the Physician Compare website, feedback can be emailed to us 

How Do I Update My Information on Physician Compare?

• Incorrect information relating to address, education, contact information, and Medicare Assignment status needs to be edited through the Internet-based PECOS system at https://pecos.coms.hhs.gov/pecos/login/do

• Incorrect information relating to training, residency, hospital affiliation and/or foreign language needs to be edited by email to us.  Please be sure to include your name, specialty, address of practice location, NPI number, and the best method of contact in addition to providing the corrected information. 

  More information at these links:
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• 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2017_07_Non_Compliance_letter • 2017_QCDRbenchmarks •

Contact Us

For more information, contact us via email at clientservices@cuhsm.org

Phone:  (888) 979-2499 x2

Universal Health System Metric Tools referenced on this site:
CMS Submission Toolkit, CST-CMS Submission Template, PQRS
Audit Tool, PQRS Validator, GPRO Aggregator,
    QCDR-HISP, QRDASolutions, and
NwHIN Sleuth are trademarks of CMS Gateways, LLC
All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

QCDR-HISP = Qualified Clinical Data Registry - Health Information Service Provider

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Last modified: Tuesday November 10, 2020.