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        Consortium for Universal Health System Metrics -      A CMS Qualified Registry




Our MACRA Programs
Our MACRA Program

Patient Adherence Measures
Behavioral Health (BH)
BH Measures
















  1. What are the benefits of becoming a QCDR?

    - Maximizes CMS incentives for your member providers

    - Enhances the Quality of Care through expanded performance metrics. 

    - Your providers use QCDR metrics designed by your organization

    - Accelerates revenue stream(s) derived from your CMS submission capacity More...

    - Your organization maintains control of the CMS submission process, including metric design, implementation and execution


  1. What are the deadlines for becoming a QCDR?

    Healthcare Registry/Consortium/Certification Board self nominates as a QCDR via email        

    The self nominated QCDR submit numerator & denominator for QCDR report(s)

  2. How can my organization implement QCDR successfully?

    Creating QCDR submissions requires a concerted effort; Taking special pains to thoroughly plan system design reduce time & effort for a superior product in the following manners:

    1. When CMS Reporting requirements change (of course!), so will our libraries! 

    2. Leverage other public institutions who have implemented CMS reports.

    3. Reduce the burden on providers with streamlined data acquisition

    4. Fully exploit existing HIT report generation libraries and functions


    The result is a more reliable, maintainable report system that can be shared among all registries.

  3. What technology does CUHSM.ORG use to help my organization?

    CUHSM.ORG  expedites the ability of your organization to comply with CMS QCDR requirements:

    1. Cloud based CMS submission generation including QPP & eRX

    2. Our QCDR Report Integrator cross walks multiple data sources

    3. Template style report merging that supports a wide variety of health reporting systems such as G-CAHPS, NQF endorsed measures, measures used by boards, specialty societies or regional quality collaboratives and EP outcomes based measure(s)

    4. Programmatic transparency of data elements, specifications, risk models, and measures    

    5. Designed to adapt to your current registry database or provider’s EMR systems

  4. What are the advantages of using CUHSM.ORG

    CUHSM.ORG has the expertise and toolkit to expedite your CMS QPP report process.  To accelerate QCDR benefits to your providers, CUHSM.ORG(3) adds QCDR report functions to your existing registry IT operations.


    CUHSM.ORG - is a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for CMS QPP report apps

    Advantages over commercial QCDR solutions:

    1. Designed to leave your current registry operations intact.

    2. Secure: HIPAA compliant with triple DES encryption

    3. Straightforward methods for Patient Record Transfer Request

    4. Your organization owns the data (We use the Application Hosting Provider business model in our BAA's). 

    Our hands-on approach gives you the support when and where you need it.

       Whether your organization has decided to become a QCDR or is evaluating the value for doing so,  (staff, timeline, availability, cost, tradeoffs, benefits internal vs external) we can help. 

  5. Where can I research QCDR ?

Use these resources to help your QCDR succeed...
     1. Receive our QCDR newsletter
Schedule a phone consultation or
     3. Meet us face to face at the 1/23-24/2013 ONC Annual Meeting.in D.C.
Schedule a meeting  Details here

Visit our website for more information: www.cuhsm.org.  We look forward to serving you. 

 P.S.    CUHSM.ORG can help you meet CMS  requirements within Deadlines



References/Acronym definitions
(1)  QPP=Physician Quality Reporting System, a CMS electronic reporting system for physicians
(2)  QCDR self nomination process: send an email from your organization CMS QCDR_docs_pdf here     More CMS info here...
(3 QCDR=Qualified Clinical Data Registry  
      HISP = Health Information Service Provider, a HIPAA secure cloud based platform for the processing health information


QCDR guide to self nomination(2)




  More information at these links:
Home Up Revenue Calculator

CUHSM QCDR Measures approved by CMS - Non QPP Program - Patient Adherence Measures
• 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2017_07_Non_Compliance_letter • 2017_QCDRbenchmarks •

Contact Us

For more information, contact us via email at clientservices@cuhsm.org

Phone:  (888) 979-2499 x2

Universal Health System Metric Tools referenced on this site:
CMS Submission Toolkit, CST-CMS Submission Template, PQRS
Audit Tool, PQRS Validator, GPRO Aggregator,
    QCDR-HISP, QRDASolutions, and
NwHIN Sleuth are trademarks of CMS Gateways, LLC
All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

QCDR-HISP = Qualified Clinical Data Registry - Health Information Service Provider

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Last modified: Tuesday November 10, 2020.